Does Medicaid Cover Scoliosis Surgery

An image illustration of Does Medicaid Cover Scoliosis Surgery

Does Medicaid Cover Scoliosis Surgery? Medicaid typically covers scoliosis surgery, but coverage can vary depending on the specific circumstances and the state’s Medicaid program. Medicaid covers necessary procedures, including scoliosis surgery if severe spine curvature affects health or quality of life. Contact your state’s Medicaid office or consult a healthcare provider for exact details on … Read more

Does Medicaid Cover Umbilical Hernia Repair

An image illustration of Does Medicaid Cover Umbilical Hernia Repair

Medicaid usually does cover a part of essential umbilical hernia repair, although coverage varies by state. Insurance companies generally fully or partially cover umbilical hernia repair, but you might need to provide documentation of your symptoms to establish medical necessity. What is a hernia? A hernia involves a weakness in the muscular tissue that holds … Read more