Does Medicaid Cover Tummy Tuck?

The answer is not a simple yes or no. Medicaid cover usually doesn’t pay for cosmetic surgeries like tummy tucks since they’re done to enhance appearance, not fix medical issues.

But there are exceptions.

For instance, Medicaid might cover a tummy tuck if it’s medically necessary, like when extra skin or fat causes pain or discomfort, often after major weight loss or many pregnancies.

It might also cover it if it helps with health problems like hernias or separated abdominal muscles.

Still, whether Medicaid covers it depends on each person’s situation and doctor’s advice.

Even if Medicaid does cover it, you might still need to pay some costs.

Therefore, it’s important to understand your insurance and talk to your doctor and Medicaid to see if you qualify and what you might need to pay.

An image illustration of does Medicaid cover tummy care
Image illustration of Does Medicaid cover tummy care
Photo courtesy: Freepik

What is a tummy tuck?

A tummy tuck, also known as abdominoplasty, is a cosmetic surgical procedure that aims to improve the shape and appearance of the abdomen.

This procedure involves removing excess fat and skin from the abdominal area, tightening the underlying muscles, and repositioning the belly button for a smoother and flatter stomach.

Why would someone consider getting a tummy tuck?

  1. Too much skin or fat in the belly area: Sometimes, after losing a lot of weight or having a baby, people end up with loose skin around their stomach. A tummy tuck can help get rid of this extra skin and make the stomach look firmer.
  2. Separated belly muscles: Pregnancy or gaining a lot of weight can cause the muscles in the belly to spread apart, making the belly stick out more. A tummy tuck can fix these muscles and make the waistline look more defined.
  3. Stubborn fat deposits: Some individuals face challenges with persistent fat in their belly region that doesn’t go away with diet or exercise. Liposuction is frequently paired with a tummy tuck to eliminate these fat deposits and achieve a more defined abdomen. 

What are the health problems that might make Medicaid pay for a tummy tuck?

Medicaid covers treatments needed for health issues, but sometimes it can cover cosmetic surgeries like tummy tucks.

Here’s when Medicaid might cover it:

  1. Big weight loss: Losing a lot of weight can leave extra skin on the belly, causing discomfort and hygiene problems. If this happens, Medicaid might pay for a tummy tuck to make life better.
  1. Belly hernias: When organs or fat push through weak spots in belly muscles, it’s called a hernia. It can be painful and cause big issues if not treated. Sometimes, a tummy tuck can fix this, and Medicaid might help pay for it if a doctor approve.
  1. Panniculitis: This condition makes fat tissue under the skin swell and hurt, especially in the belly area. A tummy tuck could help, therefore Medicaid might cover.
  1. Intertrigo: This skin problem causes irritation and infection in belly folds. If it keeps coming back, a tummy tuck might be recommended to remove extra skin and stop the problem.
  1. Lymphedema: Fluid buildup and swelling in the belly can happen because of damage to the lymphatic system, usually due to cancer or surgery. A tummy tuck might help reduce swelling and improve drainage.

How to get a tummy tuck covered by Medicaid

The steps to get Medicaid coverage for a tummy tuck can vary based on the rules in your state, however here are the usual steps:

1. See a Plastic Surgeon: First, make an appointment with a plastic surgeon who takes Medicaid. They’ll check your medical history and see if you’re a good fit for a tummy tuck. They’ll also talk about why you want it and answer your questions.

2. Prove Medical Need: After your visit, the surgeon will send info to Medicaid showing why you need the tummy tuck for medical reasons. It’s not just for looks but to fix a real health issue.
3. Get Approval: Medicaid might need more info before they say yes. This could mean sending photos or medical records.
4. Wait for Decision: Medicaid will look at all the info and decide if they’ll pay for the tummy tuck. If they say yes, they’ll send a letter telling you what they’ll cover and any rules you need to follow.
5. Schedule Surgery: If Medicaid approves, you can set up the surgery with your surgeon. It has to be done by a doctor approved by Medicaid for you to get coverage.


What happens during the procedure?

An incision is made along the lower abdomen, usually from hip bone to hip bone.
The length of this incision will depend on how much excess skin needs to be removed.
The surgeon will then lift and tighten the underlying muscle layer before trimming away any excess skin.

What are the benefits of getting a tummy tuck with Medicaid?

  1. Feeling Better: If Medicaid covers your tummy tuck, it can make life more comfortable. Extra skin and fat in your belly can cause pain and trouble breathing. Therefore, removing it can help you feel better and do more.
  2. Boosts Confidence: Carrying extra weight or having loose skin can make you feel bad about yourself. People who get a tummy tuck often feel happier with how they look.
  3. Being Healthier: Extra weight and skin in your belly can lead to serious health problems like diabetes or heart disease. Removing it with a tummy tuck might lower your chances of getting sick and feel better overall.
  4. Saving Money: Tummy tucks can cost a lot. If Medicaid pays for it, you won’t have to pay all that money yourself. This means you can keep your savings safe and not go into debt.

Requirements for Medicaid coverage of a tummy tuck

Here’s what you need to know:

1. It Must Be Needed for Health Reasons: Medicaid will only cover a tummy tuck if it’s needed to fix a health problem, not just for looks. For example, it might help if you have serious belly muscle issues, extra skin from losing a lot of weight, or skin problems.

2. Proof of Problems: You need proof that the belly issues are causing problems with your daily life, like trouble walking or working, or constant pain.

3. Other Treatments Didn’t Work: You have to show that other treatments, like therapy or medicine, didn’t help before Medicaid will pay for a tummy tuck.

4. Get Approval First: You need permission from Medicaid before you can get the surgery. This means they have to say yes before you can schedule it.

5. Use an Approved Doctor: Medicaid only covers surgeries done by doctors they approve. Check with your state’s Medicaid to make sure your doctor is okay.

6. Meet Income Rules: You have to meet income limits to qualify for Medicaid coverage. These limits vary by state.

7. There Might Be Limits: Even if you meet all the rules, Medicaid might only cover part of the surgery, or limit how many you can get in a certain time.




Medicaid might pay for a tummy tuck if it’s needed for health reasons, but the rules differ by state and can be strict.

It’s crucial to know your state’s rules well before deciding.

However, don’t base your decision solely on Medicaid coverage. Consider your health goals and finances too.

Always talk to your doctor for advice tailored to your situation.

ALSO READ: Does Medicaid Cover Dental Implants: What You need to Know!

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